2025 Lobby Day AdvocatesRecycle Colorado Lobby Day

Each year, Recycle Colorado staff, members, and volunteers head to the Colorado Capitol to meet with legislators to discuss legislation and recycling, composting and Zero Waste challenges with legislators. This is a way for anyone who wants to support new waste initiatives and meet with their Senator and Representative to have the opportunity to spend the day at the capitol. Materials and training is provided each year and newbies are encouraged to join.  

Why should you consider lobbying with us?
Lobbying is a mechanism where all voices are heard by elected officials. Although many people focus on the lobbying efforts of large corporations, the impact of grass-roots lobbying should not be overlooked. Lobbying is a form of advocacy that allows you as a citizen, employee, or member of ours work together to support something you care about. Seize the opportunity to directly talk to legislators around the issues that are important to you and your state by joining Recycle Colorado’s lobby day where we share our vision for a less wasteful Colorado. Members from local government, large corporations, individuals, or small nonprofits all have a role as we speak to our legislators, so we hope you will join us.

2025 Recap of Lobby Day

Thank you to all of the participants, legislators, sponsors and exhibitors who joined us this year!

2025 Advocates

Battery stewardship energized advocates at the Capitol on our March 4th Lobby Day. Each Recycle Colorado event ends up feeling like a family reunion where members connect once again and work together to uplift the mission of Recycle Colorado. 

The day started off with our advocates sharing donuts, bagels, and coffee with legislators for breakfast in the Old Supreme Court chambers provided by our sponsors Glass to Glass, Eco-Officiency and PakTech. This was a great opportunity for advocates to catch legislators for a quick chat or introduce themselves to their senator or representative. 

Following breakfast, advocates were off to lobby! Lobbying included advocates pulling senators and representatives off the chamber floors for a quick chat or attending meetings with legislators from their region to discuss the bills we are currently supporting and ones that we have worked on in previous years. Legislators who have continued to support and provide us with valuable feedback were shown appreciation. Advocates were tasked with asking legislators to support SB25-163, Battery Stewardship for Colorado which would help to create a program for battery disposal, eliminating any confusion on where to bring dead batteries and mitigating the risks caused by improper battery disposal.

Jill Ryan

Following the morning of lobbying, advocates fueled up for the afternoon at the Civic Center Building space, provided by Jenifer Freeman, with delicious sandwiches and beverages provided by Colorado Beverage Association. Jill Ryan, Executive Director with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, joined us to share her enthusiasm for all that we have done as advocates. It showed us that no matter how small the action you take, it can help contribute to a wider, overall movement. We were so thankful to have the support from Eco-Cycle to provide reusables for our lunch and Compost Colorado could capture all the food waste for compost. 

Molson the Fire Safety DogAdvocates took this positive spirit back to the Capitol after lunch to continue lobbying in support of battery stewardship. Some advocates set up in the West Foyar for an exhibiting opportunity. This allowed legislators and their aides to come to them and ask any questions they have. We were joined by Circular Action Alliance, Eco-Cycle, Colorado Composting Council, Boulder County Resource Conservation, and the South Metro Fire Department. It was hard for those passing by the foyar to hide their looks of excitement when they spotted Molson the fire safety dog. JP Piche with the South Metro fire department trained and works with Molson in response to emergencies for emotional and grieving support. Molson was not short on love and attention for his day at the Capitol. 

2025 Lobby Day Sponsors

Advocates recapped their day in the beautiful space provided by Tenant Planning Services, over charcuterie and yummy drinks from Forte Wine & Coffee bar sponsored by WM, Swire Coca-Cola, and Republic Services. Overall, the tone at the end of the day was hope and enthusiasm. Advocates spoke very highly of their legislators and their support of the battery stewardship bill. A simple conversation with someone about a larger problem can help them understand the true impacts their actions can have. 

Lobbying Team

On a day of action like March 4th, advocates were met with protestors getting ready for a march around Capitol grounds and other lobbying groups. It was a good reminder that we are not the only ones advocating for a cause. We all have causes that are important to us and affect those in our lives around us. Do what you can to show your support for change!

We appreciate your commitment to advancing recycling initiatives in Colorado!

Recycle Colorado Lobby Day Advocate Information
Recycle Colorado Policy Information
2025 Lobby Day Resources for Legislators

Thank you to our Lobby Day Sponsors

Eco-CycleEco-Prodcuts WM Swire Coca-Cola Tenant Planning Services Compost Colorado
Paktech Glass to Glass Colorado Beverage Association Eco-Officiency


Thank you to our Lobby Day Planning Team who helped make this year a success!
Amelia Kovacs, Brandy Moe, Celene Peck-Andreano, Emma Marino, Jenifer Freeman, Jonathan Levy, Kimberly Lavender, Rachel Zerowin, Randy Moorman, Ryan Call, and Scott Hutchings