♻️ Join a Recycle Colorado Council or Committee  ♻️

Councils and Committees are one of the main ways that our members engage with us and stay up to date on all things within the recycling, waste, and compost industry. Members can work with one another on toolkits and resources, discuss challenges, share resources, receive feedback on operations and ideas, and uplift the work of their fellow members. Connect with your fellow council and committee members by joining today!

You MUST be a Recycle Colorado Member to join a council or committee. Members can let us know which councils or committees interest them by clicking the button below. Council and committee meetings occur virtually or with a hybrid option, monthly or quarterly, depending on the council or committee. By filling out the form, you will added onto the council or committee emailing lists and calendar invites.

Join a Council or Committee!

⬇️ Explore our Councils & Committees ⬇️

To learn more about each council and check up on what they have been working on, click on the button to their webpage. 

Colorado Composting Council

The Colorado Composting Council works to grow market-driven compost infrastructure and or capacity, create and drive end markets requiring standards for use and drive local and state policies requiring the use of organic recovery and compost. The compost council has developed a strategic plan and is working diligently on multiple projects. This council is also associated with the U.S. Composting Council.

Learn more about the Colorado Composting Council
Join the Colorado Composting Council Membership

Construction and Deconstruction (C&D) Council

C&D ToolkitThe C&D Council promotes the increase of end markets for C&D material in Colorado. The council has prioritized C&D materials by economic value and researched end markets for the five most valuable materials with no end markets in Colorado.

This council recently completed their work on their C&D policy toolkit which provides resources, tips, and tools for communities as they pursue sustainable built environment diversion goals. This council is also working on the development of C&D material profiles to help others understand the recoverability of 13 deconstruction and construction materials. This will be added to their list of resources on their webpage that you can check out!

Learn more about the C&D Council

Greater Colorado Council

The Greater Colorado Council (GCC) is committed to strengthening and expanding recycling and waste diversion efforts across the state, with a special focus on communities beyond the Front Range. Our mission is to empower communities in Greater Colorado, including rural and underserved communities by fostering collaboration, sharing vital resources, and connecting members with funding opportunities. Through strategic partnerships and innovative solutions, we work to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all Colorado communities.

Join the Greater Colorado Council
Learn more about the Greater Colorado Council

Northern Colorado Council

The Northern Colorado Council serves as a business education and outreach group, providing recycling education through projects, resources, and presentations on important topics. 

In 2023, presentations highlighted specific material recyclers who are located in northern Colorado communities and have developed innovative solutions for Colorado's recyclable materials. In 2021 presentations focused on local Colorado end-markets and in 2022 focus on upcoming state and local plastic bans and how they will affect our Northern Colorado communities.

Learn more about the Northern Colorado Council

Plastics Circularity Council

As we continue to grow as an organization, we are always looking for new ways we can support our membership and Colorado community. With an increased interest in creating a plastics council within our organization, it is now a reality! This group will focus on exploring a variety of topics and projects to help understand and map out the current and future potential for plastics recycling in Colorado.

Join the Plastics Circularity Council!

Policy Committee

Bill SigningThe Recycle Colorado Policy Committee works on state and local policy to advance waste diversion through recycling, reuse, remanufacturing, and composting. 


Learn more about the Policy Committee
Learn more about Recycle Colorado Policy

Membership Snack & Shares

Join us during your lunch hour to network, learn, and have fun with the Recycle Colorado membership! Each month we will host a member spotlight presentation which will allow you to learn about the various industries and recyclers across Colorado. We will be celebrating achievements and milestones within everyone organization, sharing what's in store for Recycle Colorado, and creating a space to share challenges and brainstorm solutions. All members and nonmembers are welcome to join. If you are interested in presenting, please send us an email.

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View Snack & Share Webinar Recordings