About Us

Recycle Colorado is a 501(c) 3, statewide nonprofit advancing circular economies & improving recycling across the state of Colorado. Our members share a vision to transform Colorado into a national leader in waste reduction, recovery, and diversion. Our membership includes:

  • 55% Private businesses (from locally serving to national corporations) 

  • 25% Local governments (Cities, Towns, Counties)

  • 13% Non-Profit entities (State & National)

  • 7% Individuals and interested organizations

Our goal is to ensure more than 50% of Colorado’s current waste stream is diverted to reuse/remanufacturing or compost by advancing infrastructure, end markets and policies in waste reduction, recovery and diversion. We work towards that by:

  •  Craft local and state policy

  •  Support implementation of policies and programs (state and local)

  •  Share knowledge and latest developments in waste reductions, diversion, recycling and composting

  • Highlight best practices

  • Host round tables to address specific issues

  • Facilitate networking between  municipalities, legislators, businesses, industry leaders, and nonprofits

Recycle Colorado is an action-oriented and mission-driven organization that works on projects that are tangible, actionable and measurable related to infrastructure and end markets for material recovery, reuse and manufacturing. We have 5 primary mechanisms to achieve this:

  • Councils

  • Policy

  • Round Tables

  • Events

  • Projects


To transform Colorado into a national leader in waste reduction, recovery, and diversion.


To advance infrastructure, end markets, and state and local policies in waste reduction, recovery, and diversion.