Join the USCCMake your vote count as a COCC member by joining the US Composting Council. For full voting capabilities as a COCC member, you must also be a member of the US Composting Council and Recycle Colorado. You can compare the various membership options for USCC HERE. Training & Certifications
The Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) program was created in 2000 and is the consensus of many of the leading compost research scientists in the United States. There is no other compost testing program available to compost producers or compost buyers that give you this type of information. We are here to help you sell more compost through consistent national lab standards, increased attention to the characteristics of your product, marketing tools, and ultimately increased customer confidence. Download the Brand GuidelineSTA Compost CertificationCompost Manufacturing: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Update Having a more environmentally-friendly code could help our members in the areas of zoning, liability insurance, workman compensation insurance and funding from institutions. Compost manufacturers should start using NAICS code 325315 in all locations. Read more on the NAICS Compost CodeUSCC Resources
Additional resources are available on the USCC website. BioCycle CONNECT is a free e-issue that brings real-time access to the tools, knowledge and networks crucial to successful implementation of best-in-class organics recycling programs — delivered to email inboxes 48 times per year. BioCycle CONNECT continues BioCycle’s 60-year leadership as the Organics Recycling Authority. To sign-up for this free, one-of-a-kind resource, go to BioCycle Connect and enter your email. |